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作者:法律资料网 时间:2024-06-22 03:56:17  浏览:9312   来源:法律资料网
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第一章 总 则
第一条 为加强厦门市供水工作的管理,促进供水事业的发展,适应厦门市经济发展的需要,根据国家城建总局《城市供水工作暂行规定》和《福建省市政管理暂行规定》的有关规定,制定本办法。
第二条 本办法适用于厦门本岛、鼓浪屿区、集美区、杏林区和同安县建城区。
第三条 城市供水要认真贯彻开源与节流并重的方针和先生活、后生产的原则,坚持社会效益、环境效益和经济效益三统一。
第四条 厦门市公用事业管理局是厦门市供水工作的主管机关。
第五条 城市的计划、节约用水工作按照国务院批准的《城市节约用水管理规定》以及《厦门市城市节约用水管理办法》的规定执行。
第六条 用水单位和个人(简称用户),必须按照规定有偿使用自来水,爱护供水设施,节约用水。

第二章 供水水源管理
第七条 水资源应全面规划,严格保护,加强管理,合理利用。
第八条 厦门坂头水库、上里水库是城市供水专用水库,由市公用事业管理局委托市自来水公司管理。北溪引水水源、同安县汀溪水库由水利部门管理,市公用事业管理局应积极配合供水调度。水源分配要在优先满足城镇人民生活饮用水的前提下,统筹安排工、农业生产和其他用水。

第九条 水资源开发利用,应优先选择地面水源,稳妥开发地下水源,按照规划积极研究和开发新水源。任何单位和个人,不得擅自打井取水,以及从事其他可能损害城市水源的活动。
第十条 供城镇使用的水源必须严格保护,坂头水库、上里水库的集雨区域为卫生防护地带。北溪引水渠及取水点和汀溪水库要会同省水源主管部门制订卫生防护地带。严禁在水源卫生防护地带范围内排入或渗入工业废水、生活污水,从事其他可能污染水源的活动。

第三章 供水设施建设
第十一条 供水规划必须纳入厦门市总体规划范围。
第十二条 供水设施的建设应与城市的总体建设保持相应的比例,使供水能力的增长适应厦门经济特区发展和人民生活用水需要。
第十三条 供水企业应在设备挖潜、更新改造的基础上有计划地建设供水设施,引进先进技术和设备,提高综含供水能力和水质。
第十四条 供水企业和有关部门对供水工程要严格技术审查和峻工验收工作,未经验收或验收不合格的工程不得投入生产和运转。
第十五条 供水工程的投资采取国家投资、地方自筹、银行贷款或集资统建的办法解决。
第十六条 凡是申请用水或需增加用水量的用户,必须缴纳开户费或增容建设费,其收费标准由供水企业提出,报市物价管理部门核定后执行,增容建设费用于供水设施的建设,不足部分由城市维护费补贴。

第四章 经营管理
第十七条 厦门市供水范围为厦门本岛、鼓浪屿区、集美区、杏林区、同安县城,供水范围以外的用水单位应自行建设独立的供水系统;需由城市供水的,应上报公用事业管理部门审批,并另核定水价。
第十八条 厦门市自来水公司和同安县自来水公司是公用服务性的供水企业。厦门本岛、鼓浪屿区、集美区、杏林区由厦门市自来水公司负责供水。同安县由同安自来水公司负责供水。
第十九条 供水企业应做好供水设施的建、修、管和自来水的产、供、销,做到水质好、水压够、计量准、维修及时、收费合理。
第二十条 供水企业和用户产权划分以总水表为界。从总水表到用户的管道及其设施,产权属用户(或房产所有单位)所有,由用户管理;总水表及其以外的供水设施,属供水企业所有,由供水企业管理。
第二十一条 供水企业必须加强对水源水、沉淀水、出厂水和管网水的水质检测和管理,管网水水质的检测要有足够和合理的取水样点,并采取有效措施,确保水质符合国家《生活饮用水卫生标准》的规定,在任何情况下,都不得降低水质标准,对水质有特殊要求的,由用户再自行处
第二十二条 供水管网要有足够的服务压力,供水管网要按规定设置足够的测压点,压力合格率要达到国家要求。对高地、边远地区的水压服务,应进行合理的供水调度,并尽量采取中间加压措施,保证供水。
第二十三条 住宅、楼宇群、单位设置高、低中间储水池(不包括住户内的储水池)进行二次供水的,其产权所有者应向供水部门登记备案。储水池应定期清洗,并记录备查,其水质管理由市卫生防疫部门和供水部门负责监督执行,防止水体污染。发现水体污染,供水部门有权予以暂
第二十四条 供水企业要严格计量管理,源水管、出厂管和用户均应配齐合格的计量仪表,实行售水凭表计量,按量收费。
第二十五条 供水企业对用户按总水表计量收费,用户以每一门牌号、每一幢楼房或每个楼梯为装表单位。多单元住宅,原则上应安装分水表。
第二十六条 申请接水的用户,必须在施工前向供水部门提供内部供水设施的图纸、用水量、水质水压要求等资料。经供水部门实地检查,符合供水要求后,才能予以接水。
第二十七条 用户在总水表以外新装、改装、迁移用水设施,过户、退户或改变用水性质,都必须向供水部门办理手续,不得自行安装、变更、拆除、转接、转让用户总水表以外的用水设施。
第二十八条 除供水企业设置的供水站点外,任何单位或个人,未经市公用事业管理局批准,不得转供和转售自来水。
第二十九条 城市的市政工程、园林绿化、喷洒道路等公共用水,有关单位应与供水部门商定设置供水点,并装表计费,其供水设施由所有者自行管理。
第三十条 城市供水的价格分质、分类核定,水价由供水企业根据价格政策结合制水成本提出,报市物价局批准执行。

第五章 供水设施的管理
第三十一条 厦门市供水的专用水库、水池、引水管道(渠)、取水口、翻水站、泵站、加压设施、水厂、井群、管网、闸门、消火栓、水表等公用供水设施由供水企业严加管理,定期进行检查和维修,确保安全与完好。
第三十二条 城市供水管道及其附属设施的地面和两侧(口径300毫米以下两侧各2米,口径300毫米以上管道两侧各3米内)严禁修建建筑物。供水管道及其附属设施两侧1米以内,不准堆放物料、植树,不得进行有害供水管道及设施安全的行为。必须与供水管道并行或交叉修
第三十三条 用户的自备水源管网系统,严禁与城市供水管网直接连接。
第三十四条 城市供水设施的大修和更新改造所需资金,由更新改造资金、大修理资金开支;不足部分,由城市维护费予以补助。
第三十五条 供水企业进行工程施工和正常的检查维修,临时故障检修,各有关部门应密切配合,提供方便,任何单位和个人不得干扰、阻拦。
第三十六条 供水企业进行施工和维修时,应采取有效的安全和保护措施,尽量不停水作业,确需临时停水时,必须提前2天通知用户做好储水准备。对于处理意外紧急事故需停水时,应尽快通知有关用户,停水应尽量控制在最小范围。

第六章 奖励与处罚
第三十七条 在保护水源、维护供水设施等方面有显著成绩的单位和个人应给予表彰或适当的物质奖励。
第三十八条 有下列行为之一者,根据情节轻重,对单位或个人依照《城市供水工作暂行规定》和《福建省市政管理暂行规定》分别给予警告、责令赔偿损失、扣留违章物、拆除违章筑物、罚款、停止供水等处罚。
第三十九条 供水企业及其工作人员滥用职权,无故、借故停水或以水谋私刁难用户的,以及玩忽职守造成停水事故的,由公用事业主管部门根据情节轻重给予行政处分。

第七章 附 则
第四十条 本办法由市公用事业管理局解释。
第四十一条 本办法自1991年7月15日起执行。

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第一章 总 则
第一条 为了贯彻对外开放政策,促进对外经济贸易和国民经济的发展,根据《中华人民共和国海关法》的有关规定,制定本条例。
第二条 中华人民共和国准许进出口的货物,除国家另有规定的以外,海关依照《中华人民共和国海关进出口税则》(以下简称《海关进出口税则》)征收进口关税或者出口关税。
第三条 国务院成立关税税则委员会,其职责是提出制定或者修订《进出口关税条例》、《海关进出口税则》的方针、政策、原则,审议税则修订草案,制定暂定税率,审定局部调整税率。
第四条 进口货物的收货人、出口货物的发货人,是关税的纳税义务人。
第五条 进出境的旅客行李物品和个人邮递物品征免税办法,由国务院关税税则委员会另行规定。

第二章 税率的运用
第六条 进口关税设普通税率和优惠税率。对原产于与中华人民共和国未订有关税互惠协议的国家或者地区的进口货物,按照普通税率征税;对原产于与中华人民共和国订有关税互惠协议的国家或者地区的进口货物,按照优惠税率征税。
第七条 进出口货物,应当依照《海关进出口税则》规定的归类原则归入合适的税号,并按照适用的税率征税。
第八条 进出口货物,应当按照收发货人或者他们的代理人申报进口或者出口之日实施的税率征税。
第九条 进出口货物的补税和退税,适用该进出口货物原申报进口或者出口之日所实施的税率。具体办法由海关总署另行规定。

第三章 完税价格的审定
第十条 进口货物以海关审定的成交价格为基础的到岸价格作为完税价格。到岸价格包括货价,加上货物运抵中华人民共和国关境内输入地点起卸前的包装费、运费、保险费和其他劳务费等费用。
第十一条 进口货物的到岸价格经海关审查未能确定的,海关应当依次以下列价格为基础估定完税价格:
第十二条 运往境外修理的机械器具、运输工具或者其他货物,出境时已向海关报明并在海关规定期限内复运进境的,应当以海关审定的修理费和料件费作为完税价格。
第十三条 运往境外加工的货物,出境时已向海关报明并在海关规定期限内复运进境的,应当以加工后的货物进境时的到岸价格与原出境货物或者相同、类似货物在进境时的到岸价格之间的差额,作为完税价格。
第十四条 以租赁(包括租借)方式进口的货物,应当以海关审定的货物的租金,作为完税价格。
第十五条 进口货物的完税价格,应当包括为了在境内制造、使用、出版或者发行的目的而向境外支付的与该进口货物有关的专利、商标、著作权以及专有技术、计算机软件和资料等费用。
第十六条 出口货物应当以海关审定的货物售与境外的离岸价格,扣除出口关税后,作为完税价格。离岸价格不能确定时,完税价格由海关估定。
第十七条 进出口货物的收发货人或者他们的代理人,应当如实向海关申报进出口货物的成交价格。申报的成交价格明显低于或者高于相同或者类似货物的成交价格的,由海关依照本条例的规定确定完税价格。
第十八条 进出口货物的收发货人或者他们的代理人,在向海关递交进出口货物报关单时,应当交验载明货物的真实价格、运费、保险费和其他费用的发票(如有厂家发票应附在内)、包装清单和其他有关单证。
第十九条 海关审核进出口货物完税价格时,收发货人或者他们的代理人应当交验发票等单证;必要时海关可以检查买卖双方的有关合同、帐册、单据和文件,或者作其他调查。对于已经完税放行的货物,海关仍可检查货物的上述有关资料。
第二十条 进出口货物的收发货人或者他们的代理人,在递交进出口货物报关单时未交验第十八条规定的各项单证的,应当按照海关估定的完税价格完税;事后补交单证的,税款不予调整。
第二十一条 进出口货物的到岸价格、离岸价格或者租金、修理费、料件费等以外币计价的,由海关按照填发税款缴纳证之日国家外汇管理部门公布的《人民币外汇牌价表》的买卖中间价,折合人民币计征关税。《人民币外汇牌价表》未列入的外币,按照国家外汇管理部门确定的汇率折合人民币。

第四章 税款的缴纳、退补
第二十二条 进出口货物的收发货人或者他们的代理人,应当在海关填发税款缴纳证的次日起七日内(星期日和法定节假日除外),向指定银行缴纳税款。逾期缴纳的,除依法追缴外,由海关自到期的次日起至缴清税款日止,按日加收欠缴税款1‰的滞纳金。
第二十三条 海关征收关税、滞纳金等,除海关总署另有规定的以外,应当按人民币计征。
第二十四条 海关征收关税、滞纳金等,应当制发收据。收据格式由海关总署规定。
第二十五条 有下列情形之一的,进出口货物的收发货人或者他们的代理人,可以自缴纳税款之日起一年内,书面声明理由,连同原纳税收据向海关申请退税,逾期不予受理:
第二十六条 进出口货物完税后,如发现少征或者漏征税款,海关应当自缴纳税款或者货物放行之日起一年内,向收发货人或者他们的代理人补征。因收发货人或者他们的代理人违反规定而造成少征或者漏征的,海关在三年内可以追征。

第五章 关税的减免及审批程序
第二十七条 下列货物,经海关审查无讹,可以免税:
第二十八条 有下列情形之一的进口货物,海关可以酌情减免关税:
第二十九条 中华人民共和国缔结或者参加的国际条约规定减征、免征关税的货物、物品,海关应当按照规定予以减免关税。
第三十条 经海关核准暂时进境或者暂时出境并在六个月内复运出境或者复运进境的货样、展览品、施工机械、工程车辆、工程船舶、供安装设备时使用的仪器和工具、电视或者电影摄制器械、盛装货物的容器以及剧团服装道具,在货物收发货人向海关缴纳相当于税款的保证金或者提供担保后,准予暂时免纳关税。
第三十一条 为境外厂商加工、装配成品和为制造外销产品而进口的原材料、辅料、零件、部件、配套件和包装物料,海关按照实际加工出口的成品数量免征进口关税;或者对进口料、件先征进口关税,再按照实际加工出口的成品数量予以退税。
第三十二条 无代价抵偿的进出口货物的关税征免办法,由海关总署另行规定。
第三十三条 经济特区等特定地区进出口的货物,中外合资经营企业、中外合作经营企业、外资企业等特定企业进出口的货物以及其他依法给予关税减免优惠的进出口货物,按照国家有关规定减税或者免税。
第三十四条 收发货人或者他们的代理人,要求对其进出口货物临时减征或者免征进出口关税的,应当在货物进出口前书面说明理由,并附必要的证明和资料,向所在地海关申请。所在地海关审查属实后,转报海关总署,由海关总署或者海关总署会同财政部按照国务院的规定审查批准。
第三十五条 依照国家法律、法规的规定给予特定关税减免优惠的进口货物,在监管年限内经海关核准出售、转让或者移作他用时,应当按照其使用时间折旧估价,补征进口关税。监管年限由海关总署另行规定。

第六章 申诉程序
第三十六条 纳税义务人对海关确定的进出口货物的征税、减税、补税或者退税等有异议时,应当先按照海关核定的税额缴纳税款,然后自海关填发税款缴纳证之日起三十日内,向海关书面申请复议。逾期申请复议的,海关不予受理。
第三十七条 海关应当自收到复议申请之日起十五日内作出复议决定。
第三十八条 海关总署收到纳税义务人的复议申请后,应当在三十日内作出复议决定,并制成决定书交海关送达申请人。

第七章 罚 则
第三十九条 违反本条例的规定构成走私或者违反海关监管规定的行为的,依照《中华人民共和国海关法》、《中华人民共和国海关法行政处罚实施细则》和其他有关法律、法规的规定处理。

第八章 附 则
第四十条 海关对检举或者协助查获违反本条例的偷税漏税行为的单位和个人,应当按照规定给予奖励,并负责保密。
第四十一条 本条例由中华人民共和国海关总署负责解释。
第四十二条 本条例自一九九二年四月一日起施行。


(Promulgated by the State Council on March 7, 1985, amended andpromulgated by the State Council on September 12, 1987, amended andpromulgated for a second time on March 18, 1992 according to the Decisionof the State Council on Am
ending the Regulations of the People's Republicof China onImport and Export Duties)

Important Notice: (注意事项)
当发生歧意时, 应以法律法规颁布单位发布的中文原文为准.
In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.

Whole Document (法规全文)
(Promulgated by the State Council on March 7, 1985, amended and
promulgated by the State Council on September 12, 1987, amended and
promulgated for a second time on March 18, 1992 according to the Decision
of the State Council on Amending the Regulations of the People's Republic
of China on Import and Export Duties)

Chapter I General Provisions
Article 1
These Regulations are formulated in accordance with the relevant
provisions of Customs Law of the People's Republic of China with a view to
implementing the policy of opening to the outside world and promoting the
development of foreign economic relations and foreign trade and the
national economy.
Article 2
All goods permitted to be imported into or exported out of the People's
Republic of China shall, unless otherwise provided for by the State, be
subject to the levy of Customs import or export duties according to the
Customs Import and Export Tariff of the People's Republic of China
(hereinafter referred to as Customs Import and Export Tariff).
If goods originating within Chinese territory are purchased from outside
Chinese territory for import, Customs shall levy import duty in accordance
with the Customs Import and Export Tariff.
Customs Import and Export Tariff is an integral part of these Regulations.
Article 3
The Tariff Commission established by the State Council is charged with the
responsibility to formulate or amend the guideline, policies and
principles for Regulations on Import and Export Duties and Customs Import
and Export Tariff, to examine the draft of amendments of Tariff, to set
temporary tariff rates and to examine and approve partial adjustment of
tariff rates.
The composition of the State Council Customs Tariff Commission shall be
prescribed by the State Council.
Article 4
Both the consignee of imports and the consignor of exports are persons
obligated to pay Customs duties.
The agent entrusted to go through the related procedures shall abide by
all the provisions of these Regulations pertaining to his client.
Article 5
The measures on the levy of or exemption from import or export duties on
incoming and outgoing passengers luggage and articles and on personal
postal matters shall be formulated by the State Council Customs Tariff

Chapter II Application of Tariff Rates
Article 6
Customs import duty shall be calculated in accordance with general tariff
rates and preferential tariff rates. The general tariff rate shall apply
to an import originating in a country or region with which the People's
Republic of China has not yet signed an agreement containing reciprocal
preferential tariff clauses. The preferential tariff rate shall apply to
an import originating in a country or region with which the People's
Republic of China has signed an agreement containing reciprocal
preferential tariff clauses.
Imports to which general tariff rates apply pursuant to the provisions of
the previous paragraph may have duty levied in accordance with
preferential tariff rates subject to special approval from the State
Council Customs Tariff Commission.
If imports originating in the People's Republic of China are subject to
discriminatory rates of duty or other types of discriminatory treatment by
any country or region, Customs may impose a special Customs duty on
imports originating in the said country or region. The State Council
Customs Tariff Commission shall determine and promulgate for
implementation details of the types of goods subject to the special
Customs duty, the duty rates and the time period when such levies commence
and finish.
Article 7
Import and export commodities shall be classified under appropriate tax
item numbers in accordance with the category provisions of the Customs
Import and Export Tariff and shall be subject to tax levies pursuant to
relevant tax rates.
Article 8
Customs duties shall be levied on imports or exports at the tariff rates
obtaining on the date of declaration for imports or exports by the
consignee or consignor or his agent.
Imports which are permitted by the Customs to be declared prior to their
entry shall be subject to the levy of import duties at the tariff rates
obtaining on the date of entry of the means of transport involved.
Article 9
If an import or export is subject to a supplementary duty payment or
refund of duty, the rate of duty on the date of the good's original import
or export declaration shall apply. The specific measures shall be
formulated by the Customs General Administration.

Chapter III Verification of the Duty-paying Value
Article 10
The duty-paying value of the goods to be imported shall be assessed
according to the CIF price based on the normal transaction price verified
by the Customs. The CIF price shall cover the price of the goods, packing
charges, freight, insurance premiums and other service charges incurred
prior to the unloading of the goods at the port of entry in the Customs
territory of the People's Republic of China.
Article 11
If unable through examination to determine the CIF price of an import, the
Customs shall assess its duty-paying value based successively on the
following prices:
(1) the transaction price of an item equivalent or similar to and from the
same country or region of origin as the said import:
(2) the transaction price on the international market of an item
equivalent or similar to the said import;
(3) the wholesale price on the domestic market of an item equivalent or
similar to the said import, minus import duty, other import-linked taxes
or duty and the post-import transport, storage and business costs and
after-profit price;
(4) a price valued by the Customs using other reasonable methods.
Article 12
The duty-paying value of mechanic appliances, means of transport or any
other goods, which were shipped out of the Customs territory for the
purpose of repairs with the declaration for exports made in advance and
shipped back into the Customs territory within the time limit set by the
Customs shall be identical with the normal charges on the repairs and the
cost of materials and spare parts used for the repairs, both of which
shall be subject to the examination and approval by the Customs.
Article 13
The duty-paying value of the goods which were shipped out of the Customs
territory for processing with the declaration for exports made to the
Customs in advance and shipped back into the Customs territory within the
time limit set by the Customs shall be identical with the difference
between the CIF price of the processed goods at the time of entry and the
CIF price of the original goods shipped out of the Customs territory or of
the identical or similar goods at the time of entry.
The specific measures shall be formulated by the Customs General
Administration governing the varieties of the aforesaid goods and their
Article 14
The duty-paying value of the goods to be imported on lease (including
those for rent) shall be assessed according to the rental for the goods,
which is subject to the examination and approval by the Customs.
Article 15
The duty-paying value of the goods to be imported shall include fees for
patents, trademarks, copyright, proprietary technology, computer software,
information, etc., which are incurred in relation to the said imports and
paid to foreign parties in order that the goods may be manufactured, used,
published or distributed domestically.
Article 16
The duty-paying value of the goods to be exported for sale shall be
identical with the FOB price of the goods with the export duties deducted.
The above FOB price shall be subject to the examination and approval by
the Customs. If unable to determine the FOB price of an export, the
Customs shall assess its duty-paying value.
Article 17
The consignee and consignor of imports or exports or their agents shall
accurately declare the transaction price of the said imports and exports.
If the declared transaction price is significantly lower or higher than
the transaction price of equivalent or similar goods, the Customs shall
determine the duty-paying value pursuant to the provisions of these
Article 18
The consignee of imports or consignor of exports or their agents shall, at
the time of submitting the declaration for imports or exports, produce to
the Customs the invoices indicating the real price, freight, insurance
premiums and other expenses incurred for the goods (with manufactures'
invoices, if any), packing lists and other relevant papers for the
examination and approval by the Customs. All the above invoices and papers
shall be signed and stamped by the consignee or consignor or his agent to
affirm their authenticity.
Article 19
The consignee or consignor or his agent shall produce the invoices and
other papers for the Customs to assess the duty-paying value of the goods
to be imported or exported. If necessary, the Customs may examine the
relevant contracts, accounts, bills and other papers of both the buyers
and the sellers or make any further investigation. The Customs may also
check the above documents and papers even after the levy of Customs duties
on, and the release of the goods in question.
Article 20
In case the consignee and consignor or his agent fail to produce the
relevant documents and papers stipulated in Article 18 for examination by
the Customs at the time of submitting the declaration for imports or
exports, Customs duties shall be levied according to the duty-paying value
assessed by the Customs. No adjustment shall be made of the Customs duties
already collected even though the relevant documents and papers are
subsequently produced to the Customs.
Article 21
In case the CIF price of imports, the FOB price of exports, the rental for
imported or exported goods, the charges on repairs or the cost of
materials and spare parts are computed in foreign currencies, they shall
be converted into RMB at the price between the buying and selling prices
quoted by the State administrative organ in charge of exchange control in
Schedule of Exchange Rates of RMB Against Foreign Currencies on the date
of issuance of the duty memorandum. In case the exchange rate of any
foreign currency is not available in the Schedule, the Customs may apply
the exchange rate set by the above administrative organ.

Chapter IV Payment Refund and Recovery of Customs Duties
Article 22
The consignee or consignor or his agent shall pay Customs duties at the
designated bank within seven days (excluding Sundays and national
holidays) after the date of issuance of the duty memorandum by the
Customs. In case of any payment in arrears, the Customs may order the
fulfilment of the payment according to law, and 1? of the total amount of
the overdue Customs duties shall be charged as a fee on delayed payment
per day from the eighth day to the date of fulfilment of the payment.
Article 23
The Customs shall levy Customs duties and charge fees on delayed payment
of RMB unless otherwise provided for by the Customs General
Article 24
The Customs shall issue receipts for any Customs duties collected or any
fees on delayed payment charged. The form of the receipt shall be
prescribed by the Customs General Administration.
Article 25
Under any of the following circumstances, the consignee or the consignor
or his agent may, within one year from the date of payment of Customs
duties, claim for a refund from the Customs by submitting to the Customs a
written application specifying the reasons therefor, and the receipt for
the paid Customs duties attached failing which his claim shall not be
(1) any amount of Customs duties is overpaid as a result of the wrong
assessment by the Customs;
(2) any duty paid on goods imported which are exempted from the
examination by the Customs are discovered to be short-landed with the
verification by the Customs;
(3) any duty paid on goods to exported are not shipped for some reasons
and declared to the Customs as shut-out cargo with the verification by the
Customs. Any delayed application for a refund shall not be accepted.
The Customs shall complete a written response and notify a duty refund
applicant within 30 days of accepting a refund application.
Article 26
In case Customs duties are short-levied or not levied on imports or
exports, the Customs may, within one year after the date of payment of
Customs duties or the date of release of the goods, recover the amount of
Customs duties short-levied or not levied. If any imports or exports are
short-levied or not levied owing to an act in violation of the Customs
regulations by the consignee or consignor or his agent, the Customs may
recover from him the Customs duties short-levied or not levied within
three years.

Chapter V Reduction or Exemption of Customs Duties and theProcedures for Examination and Approval
Article 27
Goods falling in any following categories may be exempted from the levy of
Customs duties upon verification by the Customs:
(1) goods of a consignment on which Customs duties are estimated to be
below RMB ten yuan;
(2) advertising matters and samples, which are of no commercial value;
(3) goods and materials, which are rendered gratis by international
organizations or foreign governments;
(4) fuels, stores, beverages and provisions for use en route loaded on any
means of transport, which is in transit across the frontier.
In case any goods exported are shipped back into the Customs territory for
some reason, the original consignor or his agent shall submit a
declaration for entry with the original documents and papers attached and
verified by the Customs, import duties may be exempted. However, the
export duties already collected shall not be refunded. Imports returned
abroad for any reason shall be declared to the Customs at the place of
exit by the original consignee or agent and the original import
documentation shall be presented. If the Customs examination verifies the
details, export duties may be exempted, but import duties already paid
shall not be refunded.
Article 28
The Customs may, in consideration of any of the following circumstances,
grant reduction or exemption of Customs duties on any goods falling in any
of the following categories:
(1) goods damaged, destroyed or lost en route to the Customs territory or
at the time of unloading;
(2) goods damaged, destroyed or lost as a result force majeure after
unloading but prior to release;
(3) goods discovered already leaky, damaged or rotten at the time of the
examination by the Customs, provided the cause is proved to be other than
improper storage.
Article 29
Customs duties shall be reduced or exempted on goods and article in
accordance with the relevant provisions of the international treaties, to
which the People's Republic of China is a contracting or acceding party.
Article 30
The levy of Customs duties may be exempted temporarily on samples,
exhibits, engineering equipment, vehicles and vessels for construction,
instruments and tools for installation, cinematographic and television
apparatus, containers of goods, and theatrical costumes and paraphernalia,
which are permitted by the Customs to be temporarily shipped into or out
of the Customs territory and reshipped out of or into the Customs
territory within six months, provided a deposit of an amount equivalent to
that of the Customs duties or a guarantee is submitted to the Customs by
the consignee or consignor.
The time limit of six months stipulated in the preceding paragraph may be
extended at the discretion of the Customs.
If, subject to examination and approval by the Customs, an extension of
the import period is granted for temporarily imported engineering
equipment, vehicles and vessels for construction, etc, the Customs shall,
during the extension period, levy import duty pursuant to the period of
usage of the respective goods. The specific measures shall be separately
formulated by the Customs General Administration.
Article 31
Raw materials, supplementary materials, parts, components, accessories and
packing materials imported for processing and assembling finished products
for foreign business persons or for manufacturing products for export
shall be exempt from import duties pursuant to the actual amount of goods
processed for export; or import duties may be levied up-front on import
materials and parts and subsequently refunded pursuant to the actual
amount of goods processed for export.
Article 32
Measures on the levy or exemption of Customs duties on free replacement
goods shall be separately formulated by the Customs General
Article 33
Customs duties shall be reduced or exempted in accordance with the
provisions set out in the relevant regulations on goods imported into or
exported out of the designated areas, such as special economic zones or
the designated enterprises, such as Chinese-foreign equity joint ventures,
Chinese-foreign contractual joint ventures and sole enterprises with
foreign investment, and also on goods falling in the category of
preferential treatment by laws and regulations.
Article 34
In case the consignee or consignor or his agent applies for ad hoc
reduction or exemption of Customs duties on imports or exports, a written
application specifying the reason therein and necessary documentary
evidence shall be submitted to the Customs for examination prior to the
importation or exportation of the goods. The Customs shall transmit the
application verified to the Customs General Administration, which may, in
accordance with the relevant regulations formulated by the State Council,
examine and approve it with or without consulting with the Ministry of
Article 35
If the Customs, in relation to imports granted preferential duty
reductions or exemptions pursuant to the provisions of the State laws or
regulations, examines and approves, within the supervisory and control
period, an application for the sale or assignment of such goods or their
use for other purposes, the value of the goods shall be reappraised in
accordance with the period of usage and supplementary payments of import
duties made. The supervisory and control limit of years shall be
formulated separately by the Customs General Administration.

Chapter VI Procedures for Appeal
Article 36
If a person obliged to pay Customs duties disagrees with a decision by the
Customs in relation to such matters as duty payment, duty reduction,
supplementary payment or the refund of duty paid on imports and exports,
the party concerned shall first pay the amount determined by the Customs,
and then, within 30 days of the Customs issuing a receipt of payment,
lodged with the Customs a written application for reconsideration. The
Customs shall not accept an appeal lodge after the expiry of the
prescribed time limit.
Article 37
The Customs shall make its decision on the appeal within 15 days as of the
date of receipt of the appeal.
Should the person obligated to pay Customs duties refuse to accept the
decision, he may appeal to the Customs General Administration for
reconsideration within 15 days as of the date of receipt of the notice of
Article 38
The Customs General Administration shall make its decision on the appeal
within 30 days after the date of receipt of the appeal and accordingly
notify the person obligated to pay Customs duties of the decision.
Should the person obligated to pay Customs duties find the decision made
by the Customs General Administration unacceptable, he may bring the case
to the people's court within 15 days as of the date of receipt of the said

Chapter VII Penalties
Article 39
Any act in violation of these Regulations which constitutes the crime of
smuggling, or of the regulations on the Customs supervision and control
shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of Customs Law of
the People's Republic of China, Regulations for Imposing Administrative
Penalties under the Customs Law of the People's Republic of China and
other relevant laws or regulations.

Chapter VIII Supplementary Provisions
Article 40
The Customs shall, in accordance with relevant regulations, reward any
individual or unit who provides any information or assistance which leads
to the uncovering of any evasion or avoidance of Customs duties in
violation of these Regulations. The identity of the individuals or units
concerned shall be kept confidential.
Article 41
The Customs General Administration shall be responsible for the
interpretation of these Regulations.
Article 42
These Regulations shall come into force as of April 1, 1992.

不分页显示   总共2页  1 [2]










(3)土甜酒是指用糯米、大米、黄米等为原料,经加温、糖化、发酵(通过酒曲发酵),采用压榨酿制的酒度不超过12度的酒。 酒度超过12度的应按黄酒征税。



(25)双合石:也称复合石,这是由一种由两种不同的材料粘结而成的宝石。双合石的种类是根据粘合时所用的材料性质划分的。双合石的种类有(石榴石与玻璃双合石、祖母绿的代用品、欧泊石代用品、星光蓝宝石代用品、钻石代用品、其他各种仿宝石复合石)。 (26)玻璃









(State Administration of Taxation: 27 December 1993 Document GuoShui Fa [1993] No. 153)

Whole Doc.

To tax bureaus of various provinces, autonomous regions and
municipalities, tax bureaus of various cities with separate planning, tax
bureaus of Harbin, Shenyang, Xian, Wuhan, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Changchun
and Nanjing:
The Annotations on the Scope of Consumption Tax Collection attached
to the Detailed Rules for Implementation of the Interim Regulations on
Consumption Tax of the People's Republic of China is hereby issued to you
and you are expected to put them into practice.


Annotations on the Scope of Consumption Tax Collection
Appendix: Annotations on the Scope of Consumption Tax Collection

I. Cigarettes

Products produced with tobacco as raw material, no matter which kind
of auxiliary material is used, all come within the collection scope of
this tax item. Under this tax item are four specific items cigarette of
category A, cigarette of category B, cigar and cut tobacco.
Cigarette means that various kinds of tobacco are cut into pipe
tobacco, evenly mixed in compliance with the recipe requirements, add
sugar, wine, spice and other auxiliary materials, then use white bobbin,
brown bobbin, coated paper or reconstituted tobacco to make them into
ordinary cigarettes or cigar cigarettes by machine or by hand.
1. Cigarettes of category A
Cigarette of category A refer to cigarettes of 50000 pieces in a box
sold at a price of over 780 yuan (including 780 yuan).
The selling price of cigarettes of different packages and
specifications is calculated on the basis of each box (50000 pieces).
2. Cigar
Cigar refers to tobacco product made by machine or by hand with
air-cured tobacco as raw material or with air-cured and cured tobacco as
raw materials, with tobacco or cigarette paper and reconstituted tobacco
as inner cigarette wrapper and then using tobacco as outer cigarette
wrapper. Cigar is classified into fully leaf tobacco- wrapped and
semi-leaf tobacco-wrapped cigar in accordance with the different materials
used for the inner wrapper.
The scope of tax collection on cigar covers cigar of various
specifications and types.
3. Cut tobacco
Cut tobacco refers to tobacco products for sale and smoking without
going through the process of manufacture, but just needing to cut tobacco
into thread, grain, sheet and powder shapes or any other shapes and then
to add auxiliary materials and to go through fermentation and storage.
The collection scope of tax on cut tobacco covers bulk tobacco, such
as pipe tobacco, mohe tobacco, tobacco powder, shredded tobacco for water
pipe, yellow and red shredded cut tobacco.

II. Wine and alcohol

Under this tax category are six specific items such as grain spirit,
potato spirit, yellow rice and millet wine, beer, other wines and alcohol.
1. Grain spirit Grain spirit refers to spirit made with sorghum,
corn, rice, glutinous rice, barley, wheat, millet and qingke (highland
barley) as raw materials by the distillation method after saccharification
and fermentation.
2. Potato spirit
Potato spirit refers to spirit made with potato, cassava, sweet
potato, taro and Chinese yam by the distillation method after
saccharification and fermentation.
Tax is levied on spirit brewed with sugar-beet in light of that
levied on potato spirit.

3. Yellow wine
Yellow wine refers to wine brewed with glutinous rice, round- grained
nonglutinous rice, polished long-grained nonglutinous rice, rice, coarse
rice, corn, wheat and potato as raw materials through the process of
heating, saccharification, fermentation and pressing. Due to difference in
industrial processes, ingredients and sugar contents, yellow wine is
divided into dried yellow wine, semi-dried yellow wine, semi-sweet and
fully sweet yellow wine.
The tax levying scope for yellow wine includes yellow wine brewed
with various raw materials and indigenous wine with degree exceeding 12
(including 12 degrees)
4. Beer
Beer refers to wine containing carbon dioxide made with barley or
other grain as raw materials, with added hop and through saccharification,
fermentation and filtering. Due to difference in disinfection, beer can
be divided into processed, raw and fresh beer.
The tax collection scope for beer include various kinds of packed and
bulk beer.
Tax on non-alcohol beer is levied in light of beer.
5. Other wines
Other wines refer to various wines with the exception of grain
spirit, potato spirit, yellow wine and beer and wine at above one degree
of alcohol. Tax collection scope covers bran spirit, spirits made with the
raw materials, indigenous sweet wine, reproduction wine, fruit wine,
sparkling wine and medicinal liquor.
(1) Bran spirit refers to spirit brewed with various grain chuffs.
Tax is levied on spirit brewed with barnyard millet in light of bran wine.
(2) Spirit made with other raw materials refers to spirit brewed with
vinegar dregs, sugar dregs, sugar waste, sugar-beet dregs, powder dregs,
potato peel and other leftover bits and pieces, fruits such as grape,
mulberry and acorn nut, wild plants and other substitutes, as well as
sugarcane and sugar.
(3) Indigenous sweet wine refers to wine below 12 degree of alcohol
brewed with glutinous rice, rice and coarse rice as raw materials and
through the process of heating, saccharification, fermentation
(distiller's yeast fermentation) and pressing
Tax shall be levied on wine over 12 degrees of alcohol in light of
yellow wine.
(4) Reproduction wine refers to wine mixed or made with spirit,
yellow wine and alcohol as the base, added with juice, spice, pigment,
medicinal materials, tonic, sugar and condiment, such as various mixed
wine, brewage and tonic wine.
(5) Fruit wines refer to various wines brewed with fruits as main raw
materials through fermentation and filtering.
(6) Sparkling wine refers to wine above one degree of alcohol made
with juice, essence, pigment, acid material, wine (or alcohol), sugar (or
saccharin) through adding carbon dioxide.
(7) Medicinal wine refers to wine made or mixed with spirit and
yellow wine as the base and added with various medicinal herbs in
accordance with the standard set by medical and health departments.

6. Alcohol
Alcohol or ethylalcohol refers to colorless transparent liquid
containing raw material such as starch or sugar produced through the
process of saccharification and fermentation and by distillation method
with alcohol degree standing at above 95 degrees, ethylene separate from
petroleum can also be used as raw material and made by the synthesis
Tax collection scope for alcohol covers industrial, medical and
edible alcohol produced by distillation and synthesis methods.

III. Cosmetics

Cosmetics refer to products used for adorning and beautifying human
body. There are many varieties of cosmetics varied according to the raw
materials used. They can be classified into two categories: facial
beautifying and aromatic. Facial beautifiers include lipstick, fingernail
oil, rouge, eyebrow pencil, chin pencil, blue eye oil, eyelash, and
complete set of cosmetics; the aromatic kind includes perfume, perfume
The levying scope of this tax item includes:
Perfume, perfume essence, face powder, lipstick, fingernail oil,
rouge, eyebrow pencil, lip pencil, blue eye oil, eyebrow lash, complete
set of cosmetics.
Perfume and perfume essence refer to liquid aromatic cosmetics mixed
with alcohol and perfume essence as main raw materials.
2. Face powder refers to cosmetic for adorning the face. It is
divided into powder, cake and liquid shapes. Quality face powder box
contains color velvet powder puff, color face powder box contains a casket
of rouge and rouge puff, tax is levied on it in light of face powder.
3. Lipstick is a cosmetic used to smear the lips. The color of rouge
generally consists mainly of red color as well as white, there is also a
varied color lipstick made with cosin dyestuff.
4. Fingernail oil is a kind of color and colorless liquid oily
cosmetic used to adorn and protect fingernails.
5. Rouge is a cosmetic used to apply on the cheek skin. It consists
of powder, transparent and emulsified rouge.
6. Eyebrow pencil is a cosmetic used to adorn the eyebrow lash. It
consists of pencil and tubular eyebrow lash pencils. Lip pencil is a
cosmetic used to adorn the lips.
8. Blue eye oil is a cosmetic used to apply on the eyelid around the
eye sockets. It is made with fat, wax and paint as the main raw materials,
consisting of blue, green, brown colors. Because blue color is most
commonly used, it is called blue eye oil. Tax is levied on eye shadow
cream, eye shadow frost, eye shadow powder in light of blue eye oil.
9. Eyebrow lash commodity, called eyebrow cream, is a cosmetic used
to adorn the eyebrow lash. The product consists of solid and emulsified
shapes in either black or brown color.
10. Complete set of cosmetics refer to series of cosmetics backed in
a box. They are generally packed in either exquisitely made metal or
plastic boxes. The box often consists of a mirror, a comb and other
make-up tools, they have the characteristics of multiple functions and
convenient use. Make-up oil, take-off ornament oil, grease paint, hair gum
and hair bleacher do not come under the tax-levying scope of this tax

IV. Skin and hair care products

Skin and hair care products are products used in human skin and hair,
playing the function of moisting, physical protection and tidying.
The levying scope of this tax category includes vanishing cream,
facial oil, floral water, hair oil, lactogogue method, wave hair water,
rinse essence, face washing milk, polishing grease, face mold, massage
grease, hair-washing water, hair-care element, perfumed soap, bathing
liquid, hair gum, as well as other skin and hair care products.
1. vanishing cream is an emulsifier of a "water wrapped oil" type.
There is a variety of vanishing cream, according to the difference of its
structure, properties and usage, it can roughly be divided into
alkalescence, subacidity powder vanishing cream as well as drug and
nutrient vanishing cream.
2. Facial oil, or "face or skin toning oil" is a kind of forced-oil
"oil wrapped water" type emulsifier, containing large amounts fat
component, capable of playing the role of resisting cold, moisting skin
and resisting cracks.
3. Floral water is an aromatic skin care product, has the effect of
disinfecting, deodorization, relieving itching, and acting the role as
talcum powder. It is made with alcohol, water, essence as the main raw
materials. The main difference between floral water and essence is: less
amount of essence if used in floral water, about 5 percent (including 5%),
a large amount of alcohol is used, but the density is low and a small
amount of cassia oil needs to be added, herba agastachis oil and other raw
materials need to be added; a large amount (over 5%) of essence is needed
for perfume, less alcohol is used, but the density is high.
4. Hair oil is a product for protecting and beautifying hair.
5. Lactogogue method is a hair care emulsifier, it can be divided
into "water wrapped oil" type lactogogue method and "oil wrapped water"
type lactogogue method according to its emulsified structure.
6. Wave hair water is a daily-use chemical for keeping the curling
hair style. Wave hair water used in permanent wave (or cold wave) is
called perm agent. Tax is levied on fixed type hair water in light of wave
hair water.
7. Rinse essence, also called tint, is a product used in dyeing hair
and keeping a definite color and luster. Tint can be divided into three
categories: temporary tint, semi-permanent and permanent tints in light of
the length of wave-preservation time after hair dyeing.
8. Hair washing water is also called shampoo or wash. It is made
generally with mixed salt of triethanolamine and ammonium hydroxide,
twelve-acid isopropyl alcohol amides, for maldehyde, polyvinyl chloride,
wool oil, spice, pigment and water as raw materials.
Tax shall be levied on hair washing cakes and powder in light of hair
washing water.
9. Perfumed soap (including liquid perfumed soap), also called toilet
soap, is a medium-and high-grade detergent with a strong fragrance. It is
made through chemical reaction (saponification) with animal and vegetable
oils, caustic soda, rosin and essence as main raw and semi-finished
materials under a given temperature. It consists of many designs and
varieties and is divided into ordinary toilet soap, greasy perfumed soap
and medical perfumed soap in light of its components.
Tax is levied on various kinds of toilet soap.
10. Various other kinds of hair and skin care products refer to
various hair and skin care products with the functions of moisting and
protecting skin and hair not included in the list of this category of

V. Valuable jewelry and gem and jade

1. Gold, silver jewelry include:
Pure gold and silver jewelry as well as inlaid ornaments (including
artificial gold and silver and synthetic gold and silver jewelry made with
gold, silver, platinum, gem, pearl, diamond, jadeite, coral, agate and
other rare materials.
2. The variety of gem and jade include:
(1) Diamond: Diamond is a crystal mineral made completely with single
element carbon through crystallization, it is also the only gem among the
gemstones composed of a single element. Diamond is octahedral cleavage,
that is four directions of a plane octahedral crystal and is generally in
a ladder shape. Diamond has a very stable chemical nature, not easy to be
solved in acid and soda. But when heated to about 1770 degrees in pure
oxygen, it will resolve, and heated to 1700 degrees in vacuum will resolve
into graphite. Diamond can be divided into transparent, semitransparent
and non-transparent diamonds. Diamond of the gem grade should be colorless
and transparent, flawless or with little flaw. It may have a slightly
light yellow color or very light brown color, the most valuable color is
natural pink color, next come the blue and green colors.
(2) Pearl: When foreign substance enters mollush of the shell
category in sea water or freshwater and the outer membrane is stimulated,
a kind of nacre will screte (mainly calcium barbonate) which will wrap up
the tiny foreign matter layer by layer and gradually form into a small
ball, and that is pearl. the color of pearl mainly consists of white, pink
and light yellow color with the luster of pearl, its surface glitters with
iris pearly-luster. Pearl with a smooth white color, bright skin, a round
shape, hard and large grain is most valuable.
(3) Tophus: tophus is a self-color gemstone. It is completely
hydrated copper-aluminium phosphate, its molecular formula is CuA16 (PO4)4
(OH)8. 5H20. Tophus is non-transparent, the lower part of the sheet is
semi-transparent. The polished side is fat glossy luster, the fracture is
in dark luster. The category of tophus include Persian, American, Mexican,
Egyptian tophi and wire green tophus.
(4) Lapis lazuli is a mineral of the square albite family; its
molecular formula is Na, (Ca) 7-8 (Al, Si) 12 (O, S) 24 (SO4), C12C12.
(OH)2, Of which Na is often replaced by potassium, while sulfphorus is
partially replaced by sulfate radical, chlorine or selenium. Lapis lazuli
consists of Persian, Russian, or Spanish and Chilian papis lazuli.
(5) Bleak stone: It is a kind of opal in minerals. Its molecular
formula is SiO2. nH20. Because the SiO2 small balls in opal are neatly
arranged like raster, when the white light shines over it and results in
diffraction, it decentralizes into color optical spectrum, therefore the
bleak has the gorgeous changeable color, the red one is most valuable. The
variety of bleak consists of white, black, crystal, fire, gum, water,
boulder and veinstone bleaks or bleak in base materials.

(6) Olivine: Olivine is a self-color gemstone, the common colors
consist of pure green, yellow-green and brown-green colors. There is no
colorless olivine. Its molecular formula is: (Mg. Fe)2SiO4. the variety of
olivine include olivine, peridot, flinder diamond, forsterite, fayalite,
"dusk emerald" and sinhalite.
(7) Felspar: Classified according to mineralogy, felspar consists of
two main types: Potassium felspar and anorthose. Its molecular formula is:
KAlSi3, NaAlSi3O8, the variety of felspar includes moonlight stone or
aventurine felspar anemousite or amazon stone.
(8) Jade: Adamant (also called jadite), nephrite. Adamant is a
silicate of sodium and aluminium, its molecular formula is NaAl (SiO3)2.
Nephrite is a calcium and magnesium silicate with water content, its
molecular formula is: (CaMg5)2 (Si4O11).
(9) Quartz: Quartz is a gemstone of allochromatic color. Pure quartz
is colorless and transparent, its molecular formula is SiO2. The variety
of quartz include crystal, iris or color quartz, titanic spot or crispite
quartz, amethys, citrine, smoky quartz, furong stone, dongling stone,
dumortrierite quartz, milky quartz, siderite or sapphire quartz, tiger's
eye, hawk's eye, quartz cat's eye, starlight quartz.
(10) Chalcedony: It is also called crytocrystalline quartz. Its
molecular formula is SiO2. The variety of chalcedony includes moonlight
stone, green chalcedony, red agate, pinkish red chalcedony, bloodstone,
mother emerald, agate, onyx, jade, dark green chalcedony, chrysocolla,
silicified wood.
(11) Garnet: Its crystal is very similar to the shape and color of
pomegranate seed, hence its name. Its general molecular formula is R3M2
(SiO)3. The variety of garnet includes almandine, pyrope, magnesium-iron
garnet, manganese-aluminum garnet, andradite and calcium-chromium garnet.

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